Fundamentals Every Newbie Programmer Should Master

Once you study computer programming, there are fundamentals you should consider first. Find out what will make you a pretty good programmer!

Fundamentals Every Newbie Programmer Should Master

Computer programming is a whole different world of possibilities. %%[patreon] If we glance back to the history of programming, we find that it's actually beginning in the middle of the 1800s when the early computer program was written by Ada Lovelace, who described an algorithm to compute Bernoulli numbers.

After years from that, programming has grown as both an art and as a science, providing us with the technologies that have made many aspects of our lives simpler and faster.

Once you study computer programming, some of the primary stuff you'll encounter includes:

Understand the types of programming:

Essentially, there are two basic types of programming, each of which has its own use and a series of advantages and limitations.

Procedural programming, while older, is useful, because it is much simpler to tell the computer what to do. It is also the heart and the soul of many programming languages.

Basically, it's an input-output operation, where a user or programmer inputs a set of instructions and a computer reacts to them by executing those instructions. Learning procedural programming helps new programmers understand elements such as sequence, selection, and iteration.

The other type is object-oriented, which is relatively newer, this type of programming treats instruction as a set of objects, which is more convenient in many of the programs in use today.

With object-oriented programming, you’ll study object's properties, event handlers, and methods. You require learning both types of programming as part of a fundamental course. These will help you how to design codes that are easy for a computer to understand and effective enough to execute.

Understand the code structure:

Another important basic knowledge you must learn in programming is understanding codes. While their functions are the same––to power a computer program–codes differ in design and use depending on the language.

Codes are the heart of the program and will be one of the fundamentals you need to learn in programming.

Learn problem-solving:

Much of your time as a first-time programmer will be spent poring over problems such as how to create a source code for the desired result, how to fix a bug, how to solve a glitch, how to put things together or in sequence so they work.

You need to determine how to look at the problem, break it down into its solvable components, and come up with ways to solve it.

Once you've trained your mind to think like this, you're well on your way to a distinguished career as a computer programmer.

Learn Logic:

If you're not a fan of mathematics and logic, you’ll be dismayed to know that many computer programming you'll be learning will require you to think in numbers, figures, and sequences.

Be Disciplined To Learn and Grow

With a solid foundation built on knowing the basics of computer programming, it will be much clearer for you to comprehend its details, including procedures, steps, and other instructions.

Dedicate yourself to master these basics first and build knowledge on top of that will make your journey easier and make you a pretty good programmer.